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Press release 19 December 2016

Saudi Arabia’s "Al-Jazeera" newspaper publishes article dedicated to national leader Heydar Aliyev

The large-circulation newspaper Saudi Arabian "Al-Jazeera" newspaper published an article entitled entitled "People of Azerbaijan honor cherished memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev".

Readers of the electronic version of the newspaper are provided with detailed information of the multilateral activity of the national leader, as well as his rich biography. It is noted that after Heydar Aliyev took the political leadership of Azerbaijan in July 1969, the stage of large-scale development began in the country. Due to high intelligence, tireless work, enterprising and successful decisions Heydar Aliyev has gained great authority and held senior positions in the supreme executive bodies of the Soviet Union.

The article emphasizes that after returning to the political leadership of the country in a result of the unanimous call of the people in June 1993, Heydar Aliyev hoisted on his shoulders the whole burden of running the country and in a short time has achieved unity and solidarity of the people. He saved the country from the political and economic crisis, and determined the future development strategy.

Readers are told that the strengthening of Azerbaijan's positions and influence at the world arena is directly connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev. While ruling the country H.Aliyev worked for the benefit of permanent prosperity of it, he has always been proud of the rich culture, great historical past of the Azerbaijan and thought about the fate of future generations of his native land, even during the most difficult times for Azerbaijan he always remained steadfast and went out with his head held high. Thanks to the wise policy, unwavering will and historic vision, genius person of world scale have achieved the implementation of the ideas of national statehood, formation of modern Azerbaijan and improvement of the well-being of the Azerbaijani people.

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